Drip irrigation system is an irrigation system in which the water coming to the field is transmitted directly to the plant root zone through drip pipes in the field. Due to the lower electric motor requirement compared to other irrigation systems, it is possible to save water and fertilizer by minimizing losses caused by electricity, evaporation and surface flows. Drip irrigation is a very effective irrigation system to provide your crops with water and the nutrients they need.
A drip irrigation system applies water and nutrients directly to each plant's root zone in the required amount at the right time, ensuring that each plant receives exactly the environment and resources it needs to grow optimally.
Drip irrigation system thanks to pressure-regulated drippers; It allows you to deliver equal amounts of water and fertilizer to every part of your garden and saves you money on fertilization labor. With this system, which is being developed day by day in order to prevent water shortages in the future and today, irrigation can now be done with above-ground and sub-soil applications in all orchards and in the cultivation of high-yield field crops such as paddy, beet, corn and clover.
With over 15 years of experience in drip irrigation systems, we ensure that our farmers get the professional irrigation solutions they need with drip irrigation systems.
Benefits of Drip Irrigation
Imagine having to eat the food you need to eat and the water you need to drink in one bite, just as this is not possible for you, it is the same for plants. With the drip irrigation system, you can apply water and fertilizer to your plants slowly and frequently. In this way, you will maintain the air-water and fertilizer balance in the soil.